An unlit or a poorly visible sign representing your brand can be a principal element in creating an adverse effect costing you customers and dollars. There’s no point in outfitting your signage with the best design if it isn’t installed correctly. Similarly, it does you no good in the long run if you aren’t maintaining them.
Having an unlit letter in your illuminated signage, a missing letter from your 3D sign or a damaged tube inside the lightbox sign will undoubtedly compromise your brand’s visibility. Furthermore, your customers don’t necessarily see it the way you are looking or perceiving it. Try looking at it from a different angle periodically. Even though all our signs are UV-resistant, the elements like dust and grime or even cobwebs can affect your signs.
At Sign Solutions, we provide periodic repairs, sign washing, and maintenance to ensure your signs retain their shine. Our commitment to the best service ensures our customers to get the highest quality of service at the most affordable prices in the Cayman Islands.