Is full wrap a little too much for you? Then, lettering is the perfect solution. Vehicle lettering includes applying the logo, name, lettering or other business information individually on the window as well as the painted surface of vehicles such as van, truck, bus, boat or aircraft. Since they cover a comparatively smaller area of the vehicle, maintaining them is easy and neat. The installation process is straightforward as they come in pre-spaced and pre-masked with transfer tape.
The cost of getting lettering signage depends on the complexity involved in the job. At Sign Solutions, we offer customized lettering for the unique needs of your business. Our vehicle lettering is designed using high-quality vinyl brightened with the stunning range of colors. Vinyl graphics are widely known for their durability in the Cayman Islands. Create a clean and professional look with lettering signs and convey your message cost-efficiently.
As compared to billboard and newspaper advertisement, vehicle signs are more flexible, cost-effective and efficient.
About 75% of people said that they have a positive opinion about companies implementing vehicle advertising.
This mobile billboard helps you gain the maximum visibility and sets you free from time or place constraints.
Vehicle sign is the best way to create brand awareness without being unpleasant as opposed to chugging or cold calling.
Great for small or medium business, such advertising instills a sense of trust and reliability in the local audience.